Creating a clear path forward amidst a hazy climate.
Manifest is a first-of-its-kind software for climate change risk, a category that’s hazy in the best of times. Having raised a $6.5M seed round, they needed a brand that was as robust as their goal—to be the leading climate change for business software in the world. We were happy to help them as it merged two Renga’s passions, the environment and tech.
In an intense sprint, we dove into the deep end of the ocean of Manifest’s strengths, expertises and offerings. The key was understanding that while the ideal future is the same (“a thriving, climate-resilient economy’), all businesses are at a different points in their journey. This lead to a matrix of communication grounded in ‘understanding’, ‘motivation’ and ‘need’ that shines light on both climate risks and the opportunities that come with change. It was critical that both financial and systemic repercussions were tackled with a practical and solution-orientated tone, so that all business aren’t just stumbling in the haze of climate change, but that they have a clear path to ‘be Climate Confident’.
The visual brand accentuates this bright path, with a striking system of both colours (that stand out from the typical sea of blues and greens), and a bold, confident line that runs alongside landscapes, weaving in and out and building momentum.
Since the branding work with Renga, Manifest has been featured in The Globe & Mail and is currently growing their team with top talent to tackle the complex problem of climate change impact on business.